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The Natural Healing Benefits of Facial Oils – Natural Indulgence


Over the last few years, facial oils have blown up in the skincare market. Nowadays, facial oils are being touted as the new serums, filled with the promise to be the next anti-aging secret. Still, when most of us hear the words ‘facial oil’ we can’t help but think of the two most dreaded problems of troublesome skin – oiliness and acne. So, what exactly is so special about facial oils and should we be using them?

First, let’s get one thing out of the way – the shine and grease that we see on our skin is actually sebum (a waxy substance that our sebaceous glands secrete to lubricate and protect the skin). It should not be equated with the natural botanical oils that are found in bottles of facial oils. Think of sebum as the natural moisturizer that the body secretes to protect the skin from drying out. That’s why when you over-cleanse and dry out your skin, the skin compensates by producing even more sebum to counteract the change, making your skin oilier than before. When you rehydrate the skin after cleansing and using purifying masks, you are doing yourself a favor by keeping the sebum production at bay.

So, where do facial oils fit into all of this? Well facial oils are basically nutrient-rich moisturizers that come in liquid form. Jam-packed with antioxidants from mother nature, they provide an even greater boost of hydration than typical moisturizers and are more easily absorbed into the skin due to their lipophilic (fat-loving) property that syncs them with the skin’s natural lipid barrier. This means that facial oils are great for those who are looking for skincare products to rehydrate and plump up fine lines and wrinkles. What’s more, the ingredients found in facial oils are simple and natural – excellent for sensitive, reactive skin. A few types of oils to look for when on the hunt for a facial oil include:

  • Rosehip Oil – rich in vitamin A, lycopene, and beta-carotene. A favorite amongst celebrities, it’s great for those who are looking to heal acne scars, fade stretch marks and even out skin tone


  • Jojoba Oil – mimics the sebum that the skin naturally produces. It’s good for those with oily skin who want to control excess sebum production. It also rehydrates dull, dry skin and plumps up fine lines and wrinkles without clogging pores due to its noncomedogenic property

Jojoba green plant with fruits on a farm

  • Frankincense Oil – derived from the Boswellia tree that is native to the Arabian Peninsula. With antiseptic and astringent properties, it is great for toning and protecting the skin by lifting and firming it. It provides anti-aging benefits, and is good for those who are concerned with smoothing out wrinkles and expression lines


  • Hemp Seed Oil – often recommended for those with psoriasis and eczema due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is also great for tightening pores

hemp seeds and hemp oil

It is best to pick a facial oil that contains a blend of several different oils. This is because there is no “perfect oil” out there that can address all of your concerns on its own. When it comes to facial oils, the cocktail approach will probably give the most effective results. Our favorite is the Radiance Night Treatment Oil from Natural Indulgence. In addition to having a potent blend of rosehip, jojoba, and frankincense oils, it also contains a high concentration of vitamin E – which fights and repairs the damage caused by free radicals. Simply place a drop or two of the treatment oil onto your fingertips, press both of your hands together to warm up the oil, and gently press the oil onto your face.


Now that we are knee-deep in winter weather, why not give facial oils a try? They may be the answer you’ve been searching for to help bring back your glow this winter!

Contact us with any questions or comments you have about our blog, the Radiance Night Treatment Oil or any of our other products!

Naturally Yours,

Natural Indulgence